Final Conference MEZZANINE
Spoken Language between Research and Technology
September 18, 2025
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana
Večna pot 113, 1000 Ljubljana
We cordially invite you to the final conference of the MEZZANINE project. This conference will bring together linguists, technical experts, and researchers from various fields to explore key challenges related to spoken language. You are welcome to participate as an author of your own contribution or as an attendee. The conference is free and open to visitors without prior registration.
Thematic Areas
Spoken Language Resources in Linguistics and Technical Sciences
- Types of spoken data and their automated collection
- Needs of different scientific disciplines for spoken data
- Methods for involving citizens in spoken data collection
Dialectal Variability
- Spatial distribution of sounds in Slovenian dialects
- Adaptation of automatic speech recognition for Slovenian dialects
Speech Segmentation and Annotation
- Development of annotation schemes for speech
- Self-correction, hesitations, and prosodic features of speech
- Automatic annotation of morphological and syntactic properties of speech
Spoken Lexicon
- Automatic processing of the phonetic form of words
- Extraction of spoken vocabulary for Slovenian dictionaries
- Differences between spoken and written vocabulary
Instructions for Abstract Submission
- Only a digital version of the abstract book will be published.
- Abstracts should be written in Slovenian or English.
- The abstract (approximately 300 words, excluding references) must clearly define the research question, methods used, and main results.
- Submit contributions in PDF format (Word template available) via the online platform.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2025
- Final abstract submission deadline: August 30, 2025
- Conference date: September 18, 2025
Program Committee
- Darinka Verdonik, UM FERI
- Nikola Ljubešić, IJS
Organizing Committee
- Špela Antloga, UM FERI
- Jasna Vidinić, UM FERI
- Sara Kos, UL FRI
- Nejc Robida, UL FF
We look forward to your participation!